Brizzyites ~ the music is shaping up beautifully. Very impressive. And the tickets are extraordinarily reasonable ~ between $25 & $45. Have a look. However be warned; this is an adult production & according to Cait the rape scene is graphic & the battles realistic so don't bring the kiddies. It is, after all, based on the life of a queen who very nearly brought Rome down! If you've ever looked at some of the original texts any reproduction is going to be mild by comparison.
We are going to make a little party of us to go & hear Cait. Hear because she won't even get to be on stage. She's so miffed about that. No costume, No makeup. No cloud of reflected glory. Not sure how they are going to do this as, if I have the right theatre [& I may not] this is theatre in the round.
I am really looking forward to hearing the whole thing right through as, per usual, I have only heard bits & more of the difficult bits than anything else. Timing. It always amuses me that so many musicians have trouble with basic counting! Luckily I am well supplied with reading matter which I have deliberately held over knowing this was coming: the end of The White Princess ~ which is bound to end badly; Kafka on the Shore....Priscilla: the hidden life of an Englishwoman in wartime France...others I haven't even looked at yet, hoarding them like a greedy miser against the days of prolonged rehearsals & missed boats.
And as per usual Cait likes me on hand for no other reason than the bulk time of any production is mindbogglingly boring. You stand round silently for sound checks. Light checks. Mike checks. Costuming. Makeup. Positioning... while the production crew runs round with yellow tape putting crosses on the stage & the light guys make indecipherable scribbles in their scripts & the sound guys go into huddles over balance. Meanwhile the stars of the show stand round getting cold & hungry & mightily bored. Worth it? Oh, yes. For the nights of lights & applause & the high of performing!
This looks like being a really terrific production so if you're in Brisbane the last week in May or the first in June get yourself a ticket for some really wonderful music & a story that deserves to not be forgotten.
Would if I could. :(