Everybody else's kids left school, got a job, got married [or not] & started having kids. Not my lot. Which is why I was in Ipswich yesterday. Ipswich is the place halfway between Toowoomba, which has my alma mater, & Brisbane. It went under badly during the Brisbane floods a few years back & has struggled to recover. So far as I knew there was nothing there ~ except Ipswich Girls Grammar & I only knew about that because Alison went there. We drove past it yesterday ~eventually~ & it is huge!!! Big enough to get really lost in, rather like Moreton Bay College where you need a road map to get around. Having gone to one of these elitist schools I have a rather cynical view of what they purport to offer because really, there's not that much difference between them & your average state school except how much it costs to go there.
Anyway we left home on the 5.30 boat with poor old Cait barely awake & the car, which has been having these awkward moments when it just refuses to start despite a variety of mechanics insisting there's nothing wrong with it, refused to start. We pushed it out of the parking space & a couple of hefty men gave us a hand to get enough gallumph up to kick the motor over & off we toddled, all black & greasy & sweaty before we even started.
Although she's still on her Ls Cait is an experienced driver now so the highway full of plummeting trucks & huge semis presented no worries despite the almost constant slipstream as they hurtled past. We were headed here, to the Ipswich Civic Centre, & the first thing Cait did was present me with the downloaded directions & instruct me that I was to direct her! Hah! In her dreams.
Anyway, I figured I knew enough to get her onto the Gold Coast Highway & turn off onto the Ipswich motorway. After that it was anybody's guess. We did all that really well but like I said, you'd never know where you are from the signs so as we came into the Ipswich outskirts Cait ditched her instructions & turned off the motorway. Um, bad decision. After 20 minutes she was berating the street directory which listed none of the streets we were passing. I couldn't see so was hardly helpful. My comments that she was in the wrong place were obvious & not received well! Eventually we saw WELCOME TO GOODNA in large letters....So we backtracked to the motorway. Cait's call time came & went as we lumbered down the highway behind peak hour trucks. Her sound check came & went...Cait began bleating about how unprofessional it all was. Nothing we could do about it & eventually the civic centre hoved into view, along with a car park. I bundled Cait's hair into a bun, she put on her shoes & we hurtled into the building. The backstage person grabbed Cait & she disappeared ~ at which point I discovered I was holding Cait's black folder with all her music!!!!! I headed backstage, which naturally was deserted as everybody was on stage! I pulled out my book & prepared to wait some time. Eventually the lovely lady who organises the kids came in & I was able to ditch Cait's folder & head outside.
Luckily for me Queensland was having a really nice day. Opposite the Civic Centre I had a choice of two lovely little parks. The agapanthus were flowering in the corner one but being on the main street it was also really noisy so I chose the 2nd. Mirusia's operatic soprano drifted out at intervals but eventually my mobile went off & Cait emerged looking ravenous & wanting to know where I was so we could go eat.
As we went round the corner we spotted the Central Mission with this great little nativity scene.
Chips & salad. I swear there's nothing harder than feeding a ravenous singer! Can't eat this, that & the other thing because it affects the voice. No cold drinks. Argh! And she's slow! We had to leave a lot of her food so she could get back in time ~ & anyway, she can only eat so much before it impacts her diaphragm & judging that is a fine line between a rumbling stomach & no oomph! Honestly.
I got a ticket to the afternoon performance, not so I could hear Mirusia. Nope, there's only ever one singer for me, & that's my ranga! And she did so well! She knew none of the repertoire, was singing top soprano, not alto, & found herself in blacks singing mostly with Exaudi. And they were doing the Hallelujah Chorus ~ which just keeps going up...& up...& up! My poor eardrums. So, yeah, big day.
Link to photo & review.
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