Sunday, 20 October 2013

Practical Housewifery.

So I was thinking about bedrooms.

 Or more particularly I was thinking about Master Bedrooms ~ you know, the one you share with your *Significant Other*.

Some people get pretty carried away but when all is said & done what one does in a bedroom is sleep.

Or if you have a large enough space you may have a study nook.  We do.

But sleep is the name of the game.

And something occurred to me.  No~one but no~one decorates as we do.  Or if they do they don't take photos of it & post it in magazines or on~line.

See I realised very early on in my marriage that hubby & I were extremely unlikely to fight over the usual things.  I left the money to him; he left the children to me.  Nope.  what we were going to squabble over was the bedding.  On our shared marital bed.

We were either going to fight to the death over who got enough blanket to roll themselves into a cocoon [leaving the other one to freeze to death on crisp winter nights] or I could do something about it.  The result is practical if less aesthetically pleasing.

Yep.  We can't even agree on a colour scheme.  If it was left to Dearest everything would be in drab shades of brown & while I have nothing against brown as a colour too much of it leaves me feeling depressed & down in the dumps.  Besides we already have lots & lots of brown because our house is all timbered, with big windows which let enough light in to please me but gives that rustic cottagey look that feels so homey.  Of course what looks terrific with that is patchwork ~ & in point of fact I made enough patchwork covers for all the beds but my children are practical before they are into aesthetics so as the patchwork covers are neither as warm nor as work free as the modern doona, I purchased bright mono~tone quilts for all the beds.  All singles.  The patchwork is for the beds no longer in everyday use.

We all have several single quilts.  This allows for every single individual to be as warm or as cool as they desire.   Cait & Dearest rarely have more than one even in the depths of winter.  I opt for 2, though 3 is not unknown.  Ryan is the true frog.  If you need a quilt in winter you only have to look on his bed.  Every spare quilt & all the throw rugs somehow end up on his bed & he simply crawls deep into the huddle & submerges.  I swear, you can see the steam rise from the pile.

The quilt across the end?  We have cats. 'Nuff said.


  1. Based on your title, I thought this was a guest post. ;)

    Of all the things I learned to love in England, the doona was not one of them. Ugh! How anyone would choose that over sheet and blanket is beyond me. But, Bob and I have slept with separate blankets before. Whatever works.

  2. haha, yes the title! Can we look forward tor regular house wifey posts? I have a husband like you Ryan so he has a pile of bankets on his side. Your house looks cosey and rustic.

  3. So pleased you ladies are enjoying my humour! :P

  4. :0) I love reading about other people's domestic arrangements! Thank you for this post! x

    1. Well, I have seen your Plain & Simple space. It seems only fair to reciprocate.

  5. Thank goodness this isn't a meme, I would have nothing practical to say, ever! Other than buy bookshelves. Duvet girl all the way, super king regardless of bed size. Xc

    1. Tried the super idea but we are talking serious cocooners here! I actually use a double in winter & roll in all of it! Bookshelves definitely needed. I have run out of space.

  6. Ha ha good solution to a common marital problem:) I'm going to suggest this when the issue comes up in conversations re this in future :)

    1. lol Rosemary. I can't abide being cold & my blanket is not for sharing!
