Monday, 28 October 2013

Eating the Chocolate: God, cats & money

When my mother sends me cards they usually have pictures of cats on them ~ all sorts of cats.  I have quite a collection that I generally use as bookmarks because one can never have too many cats & that's a fact!

 My husband is eternally grateful to our council, which forbids the owning of any more cats or without doubt we would own many, many more than our neurotic twosome.

However this year's offering was somewhat different.  I laugh every time I think of it.  The actual card is hot pink but this is what it says...:

Oh, yeah!

Jesus loves me, this I know....Because I was sitting at my computer yesterday plonking virtual books into my virtual shopping cart from Koorong's virtual book store because that's the easiest way for me to total up the cost, my math being what it is, & bemoaning the pile of bills & the need for black dress pants for graduation which precluded my indulging in my obsessive book fetish when Cait arrived with the mail.

These days all the excited looking postage & packaging is generally John's.  Anything for me is quite rare [unless I have been virtual shopping virtual book shops!]  There is no way my mother could have known what I'd be doing when her card arrived [though knowing me she might have had a good guess].  However when I opened my mail she had gifted me with enough to hit SOLD!  Which I promptly did.

I have 3 books on their way.  Dancing a little jig here.


  1. Oh I have missed your birthday? What happened to Facebook? Three books is great. May God bless you with many more timely gifts throughout the year. birthdays don't need to be a big deal but it is nice to mark the milestone. It is especially nice if the one who bore you is able to remember with you. xox

  2. I killed FB. ☺ The books arrived this morning. I can't believe they were here the very next day. Yes, my dad's gone but I still have my mum. So grateful...♥

  3. I did wish you a happy birthday, didn't I?
    With books on order it can't be too bad. :)

    1. Well, you have now. TY. ☺ Better. The books are already here!

  4. Happy happy birthday! Wow lots of my good friends are born in October ! Enjoy!

    1. Indeed. ☺ October is a very good month.
